Antoni Peris, MD
President – Consorci Castelldefels Agents de Salut (CASAP), Spain
Dr Antoni Peris Grao is CEO at CASAP – Consorci Castelldefels Agents de Salut, a public consortium running a Primary Care Team and a Primary Care Emergency Unit, whose aim is to provide a highly resolutive and top-quality primary care health services. CASAP works not only on the clinical side but also on the organisation, leading projects and looking for team cohesion through different strategies.
Dr Peris Grao is a Medical Doctor with a specialisation in Family and Community Medicine. He holds a Master in Public Health; a degree in Quality Management; and a degree on Primary Care Management. He is Member of scientific and organising committees for CAMFIC and EFPC, and Member of Bsalut, an association for Research on Innovation and Managing in Health Services.
She brings 15 years of experience in project management, communications, financial management, operations, administration, and governance in both European and international organisations. Prior to EHMA, Federica worked for international NGOs, the European Commission, and the European Parliament.
Federica Morandi is Professor of Management at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Faculty of Economics, Department of Management Studies. She obtained a Ph.D. in Economic and Management of Healthcare Organizations, at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Since 2020 she is the Director of the Academic Programs in Altems (Graduate School of Economic and Management of healthcare systems) at the same university. She is also Responsible for the research activities of Patient Advocacy Associations Lab and Clinical Trial Management Lab at Altems.
She received two awards for research activities from the Academy of Management (2011) and from the Assioa (Italian association of organization studies), (2010).
She has been a visiting scholar (short term) at ISCTE-IUL Lisbon (Portugal) and at the Tillburg University (Holland) at the Department of Organization Studies- School of Social Behavioural Sciences.
Her research interests focus both on organizational models in healthcare and on healthcare workforce.
Federica Morandi co-authored more than 30 scientific papers both in international and national peer-reviewed journals and about 10 book chapters. She is also author of a monography entitled “Managerial solutions to hospital challenges” edited by Nova Science Publishers, 2016.
Federica Morandi is coeditor of a book series dedicated to the healthcare management and she is associate editor at Health Service Management Research journal.
Federica Morandi has given a large number of presentations at International and National Conferences.
Prof Catherine Keller is a hospital director and doctor in health law. She has held various positions in public health establishments (Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Mental Health). She led a large inter-hospital cooperation project. Before joining the EHESP to teach hospital law, she also worked as an administrative magistrate, in charge of hospital litigation.
Director of the Institute of Management, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique – EHESP, France
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